Submission steps
C&ESAR follows a 3 steps submission process (abstract, proposal, final version). Evaluation and selection is done on the proposal and final version steps. During the proposal step, a selective evaluation is done with a low selection rate on a detailed outline of the proposed article (or directly on the final version if a final version is submitted as proposal). During the final version step, an evaluation with a high selection rate is done on the final version of the accepted proposals.
- First step (abstract): title, authors and abstract of the proposals have to be registered no later than Wednesday, May 10, 2023 on EasyChair:
- Second step (proposal): proposals (3 to 16 pages for all types of papers) have to be submitted as a PDF file no later than Wednesday, May 17, 2023 via EasyChair. Authors will be notified of their proposal preselection by Wednesday, June 28, 2023 (a final selection will be made on the final version).
- Regular paper: If desired, authors can already submit a complete paper of up to 16 pages. However, reviewers will not be required to invest more efforts at this stage than they would for a 6 pages proposal.
- Short paper: If desired, authors can already submit a complete paper of up to 8 pages. However, reviewers will not be required to invest more efforts at this stage than they would for a 6 pages proposal.
- Extended abstract proposals must: be explicitly identified as such by the mention “(extended abstract)” in their title; explicitly identify and cite the original publication; and, contain an appendix containing the (anonymized) comments made by the reviewers of the original publication. If desired, at this stage, authors can submit the PDF of the original article instead of the PDF of a summary. However, reviewers will not be required to invest more efforts at this stage than they would for a 6 pages summary.
- Third step (final version): authors of preselected papers have to upload the final version of their paper on EasyChair by Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Authors of preselected papers commit to address reviewers’ comments in this final version. A final selection with a really high selection rate is performed at this stage.